Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Crummy toothfairy!!!!

We have the WORST toothfairy EVER!! Poor Shelby everytime she loses a tooth she has to wait forever for the toothfairy to come!! One time I think she even had to wait a WHOLE MONTH!!
So this time she tried someting new. She even 'baited' the hat. Any of you who have ever been a waitress or raised money for 'bait' the jar so that people know you want them to deposit thier funds!!

I was much at her!!!


Amanda said...

That is funny! Just like her momma, she knows how to bring the money in!

SophistiKate said...


Lindsey said...

that is hilarious!

Angie said...

HAHA! we've done the EXACT same thing and I keep telling Emma that the toothfairy can't find her tooth! LOL That's saved me so far until recently she lost her tooth and wailed that the toothfairy wouldn't come LOL and so I reassured her that the toothfairy new the intentions of her heart....LOL saved again....of course it only worked because we put a post it too....:) great post.