Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Crummy toothfairy!!!!

We have the WORST toothfairy EVER!! Poor Shelby everytime she loses a tooth she has to wait forever for the toothfairy to come!! One time I think she even had to wait a WHOLE MONTH!!
So this time she tried someting new. She even 'baited' the hat. Any of you who have ever been a waitress or raised money for 'bait' the jar so that people know you want them to deposit thier funds!!

I was much at her!!!

Thursday, May 14, 2009


many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop????

That many MOM!!
Enough.......I got the kitchen cleaned up after dinner!!!
MMMMMM am I the only mom who bribes their kids with food????

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Best Mothers day ever!!!

I bet you all think you have the best family ever but NOPE!! I DO!! This was my mothers present: I know what you are thinking.....why would I want a gift that requires work????

Because when its DONE it looks like THIS!!! Which doesnt really look like much right now....but give it a couple YEARS!!! I will be BEAUTIFUL!! Its a gift that keeps on giving!!